To obtain certification through the Association, you must earn 30 educational hours. After certification, you must complete 18 educational hours every 3 years. Please keep in mind that hours only accumulate for paid members of the Association. Any hours taken in a non-paid status will not count toward certification or maintaining certification. Dues cannot be back-paid in effort to gain hours.
All educational hours must be obtained through AOC’s Judicial Branch Education Department District Court certification programs. NO other classes or programs will be counted toward certification.
The Judicial Branch Education Department offers District Court Clerk Certification programs as follows:
February-District Court Clerks Certification
(This program is for clerks located in the 1st & 3rd congressional districts only)
April-District Court Clerks Annual Meeting
(This program is judges and clerks combined from all congressional districts)
August-District Court Chief Clerks Certification
(This program is for Chief Clerks only from all congressional districts)
November-District Court Clerks Certification
(This program is for clerks located in the 2nd & 4th congressional districts only)
Please refer to the Judicial Branch Education Calendar
for dates and locations.