Arkansas District Court Clerks Association

Court Facts & Information

  • Traffic and parking violations
  • Misdemeanor criminal matters
  • Violations of state law and local ordinances
  • Preliminary felony matters
  • Civil matters up to $25,000
  • Small claims matters up to $5,000
  • District Courts are courts of limited jurisdiction
  • Non-Jury Bench Trials

Arkansas District Courts Directory

Congressional Districts

Glennera McEwen
2024 Clerk of the Year
Pulaski County, Sherwood

This award honors and recognizes a member of the Association whose accomplishments have positively
influenced our profession. lt seeks to give distinction to those who have distinguished themselves from the rest by contributing to the profession and business of the Association.

The Arkansas District Court Clerks Association is a non-profit organization founded for the purpose of improving court administration. The Association strives to improve the standards, practices and effectiveness of all district courts in Arkansas.

The Association offers an optional certification program that is designed to increase the knowledge of all district court clerks by providing basic information about duties and procedural issues that commonly confront district court personnel. The Association promotes public trust in district courts, leadership through professional development and customer oriented justice.

Membership Benefits

You will have the opportunity to network with other court clerks that share your values, concerns and interests in improving the quality of services in your court. You will gain knowledge regarding court related issues, procedures, current trends and challenges facing today’s courts. You will also get to hear about legislative changes that may affect district and city courts.

You will be eligible to participate in the certification program.

You will be able to get involved with the education and planning of conferences and meetings.

You will be entitled to the right to vote at the business meetings.


ADCCA Strives to Offer

  • Educational Development
  • Professional Development
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Mentoring Among Colleagues
  • Certification Program for Clerks